Bruce Kluckhohn: the Photographer's Scotland Page


Photo of rainbow


These are a few images I took while traveling through Scotland. Above is an island off of the Isle of Skye, and the rainbow emerged quickly after a heavy rain, and disappeared as suddenly. Below, a sheep grazes along a steep cliff on the Isle of Skye's east coast, near the Man of Storr, a rock formation. On the right, a boat rests in the harbor of Ullapool.

Photo of Isle of Skye Photo of Ullapool

Photo of sheep

Sheep are everywhere, although not that fond of people. This one hides from us on the Isle of Kerrera. Another huge industry in Scotland is tourism. This bagpiper below plays along a tournout at the beginning of the Grampian mountains and the Highlands, waiting for the buses and tourists to pay him to play.

Photo of bagpiper

Photo of scottish beef Photo of door at Edinburgh Castle

The Scots are very proud of their beef, and they have a different look about them. This door at the Edinburgh Castle is probably centuries old.

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©Bruce Kluckhohn 2004
All photographs appearing in this and related Bruce Kluckhohn sites are the exclusive property of Bruce Kluckhohn and are protected under United States and international copyright laws. The photographs may not be reproduced, copied, stored, or manipulated without the written consent of Bruce Kluckhohn. No images are within public domain. All rights reserved.
Bruce Kluckhohn
2121 Glenhurst Rd
Minneapolis, MN 55416
email address.